PIM system: 5 reasons to use Product Information Management

Today we will find out what are the 5 reasons why it is necessary a PIM system in your company, that is Product Information Management with which to organize, update and manage all product information.
The creation and updating of communication tools in production and distribution companies are very complex issues.
Often you will find the same product information published on: price lists, websites, apps, e-commerce, catalogs and the related declinations by market, therefore: languages and prices.
The manual writing of all this data requires high costs and involves delays and risks of error, unwelcome situations in a market that requires timeliness and accuracy in information.
In Italy there are about 57,000 companies that produce or market hundreds and thousands of products. In our experience, 20% of these are in need
to manage and organize information in order to produce the tools necessary for product communication.
5 aspects you need to consider now
- Digital Transformation: it goes through the digitization of product information and a company that does not recognize the value of its product data is doomed to fail in the digital transformation.
- E-commerce and marketplace: product information represents the greatest value of a B2B company: digitizing this data means building a solid foundation for every present and future sales tool. Today we know e-commerce and marketplaces, for which it is essential that all product information is correct and aligned, but tomorrow we do not know which other distribution channels will be able to develop to remain competitive on the market and increase their turnover.
- Time-to-Market: not having the product information updated and aligned on your sales tools such as e-commerce, app, catalog or price list, does not allow you to sell your products that must remain in stock and become an unsustainable cost.
- Internationalization: the greatest opportunity that an e-commerce offers us, and which we must make the most of, is to be able to reach customers even outside our national territory. Today, in full pandemic, digital channels are the salvation of SMEs but if product information is not digitized and translated correctly, we are blocked.
- Smart working: today we need to use tools that allow us to be competitive, working km away, in different time zones, without barriers.
On Page at your side in the digital transformation
On On Page® you can collect all the information relating to the product in a single container: images, prices, videos, multilingual descriptions, indications of models, finishes and related accessories. On cloud!
An intuitive and very easy-to-use dashboard will allow you to easily organize information and product categories, in collaboration with all company departments.
Layout and publish catalogs, websites and mobile apps with just a few clicks. Update information in real time and manage timely or massive changes.
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