Open Source PIM vs PIM Cloud: Advantages and Disadvantages

PIM Open Source and PIM in the Cloud: two different software
Understanding the differences between Open Source PIM and Cloud PIM it is useful for making an informed choice. In general, an Open Source resource is freely modifiable by those who use it as it is not covered by copyright, and it can be developed and customized independently. While a cloud resource allows you to access your resources at any time, even remotely, and only allows you to change the contents within it, but not the code unlike Open Source.
If you are inquiring about whichPIM Product Information Management is more suitable for your company you are in the right place. In this article we will introduce you to the two types of software most used to help you tidy up and get closer to choosing an Open Source PIM or a Cloud PIM.
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Advantages and disadvantages of the Open Source PIM and the Cloud PIM
PIM Product Information Management Open Source software has these features:
- it can be customized autonomously, but for this reason there may be incompatibility problems;
- it needs trained and hired personnel for its implementation, moreover the costs are high;
- the code is open to all and therefore easily damaged;
- allows you to continuously implement work environments;
- the initial implementation costs are high, this is because once the updates are purchased, they are done independently by the company;
- maintenance costs are used in customizing and updating the software itself;
- maintenance must be done independently and is necessary when problems arise such as bugs to be solved;
- before being able to buy it, a configuration must be carried out, this prolongs the times of use.
Product Information Management in the Cloudis characterized by:
- a personalization limited by the settings, however, this allows for safety in maintenance;
- it can be accessed freely without having knowledge of coding, for this reason the costs are lower;
- you only have to be equipped with a Browser to be able to access it;
- its fixed basic structure allows for ease and immediacy of the update;
- the costs are contained both initially and thereafter;
- the reference software House takes care of the maintenance and resolution of any problems;
- it is not necessary to hire any expert to be able to use it;
- once purchased you can use it immediately.
On Page ®the Cloud software that allows you to manage your product information in a flexible way
Having ascertained the differences between the two types of software, it can be said that if your need is to have a performing, intuitive and always updated PIM Product Information Management, the Cloud type is the right choice. On Page® is the innovative PIM that incorporates these features.
It allows remote access, and its entire structure is controlled by the House software and by the R&D team that checks its operation and fixes its bugs. It has an intuitive and User Friendly interface that can be used by everyone. It also allows the translation of contents into language in order to reduce company production times and costs.
To learn more, read our Blog Post “PIM Software: The First Step to Digital Transformation”
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