Product Information Management: the 5 main features
How Product Information Management solves your company’s problems
We understandwhat Product Information Management is, because it is imperative to organize product information in any B2B and B2C company. We have seen how, especially when it comes to e-commerce, the PIM is a basic element to optimize each activity and increase results.
Now it is essential to evaluate the 5 main features of the PIM to choose the most suitable one for your type of product and company.
5 features you can’t do without
When it comes to PIM software and solutions to real business problems, there are 5 fundamental features that should not be underestimated. Thanks to them you can not only digitize the product data and make it ready for your tools
commercial and marketing, as well as for websites, apps, e-commerce and marketplaces, but save up to 80% of time in operational activities to focus on strategic ones.
- The functions Save time
Automatic pagination in InDesign
Automatic layout of commercial documents
Work as a team with multi-user functionality
Automatic layout of commercial documents
- Error free functions
Data management in the cloud
Automatic synchronization
- Functions for internationalization
Translation management
Currency management
- The functions to automate the work
Automatic pagination on On Page
Quick search and consultation
Excel import and export
Data digitization
- The functions to save
Print On Demand
Automatic pagination
Preview prints
Fast massive synchronization
On Page® is the ultimate solution to the product information problem
Much more than automatic page layout software! With On Page® you completely revolutionize the way you work.
All product data are integrated into a single source, On Page®, and can be consulted graphically and easily. Just a click away, whenever you need it.
In addition, thanks to automatic or relational pagination, you can reduce production times for even very complex product catalogs by up to 80%, without the possibility of error.